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[Fancafe] Yeojin's letter to C.Loo about her participation in their 2024 US tour (241004)


Hello, this is Yeojin. I unfortunately can't participate in this tour due to health issues. My heart really hurts because I can't participate, and I want to say that I'm so sorry to C.Loos who would’ve been waiting for me. And most of all, I want to say that I'm so sorry to my members. I was so thankful for being told to get good treatment then come back, when me lacking in so many ways must have been a cause of anger and frustration.

I really wanted to go on this tour, but I think that instead of going and showing a poor side of myself, it would be better to get well soon before meeting C.Loo. That being said, I promise you that I won't stop updating you nor make you feel like there’s a spot that’s empty. When I eat, I'll send you a picture of what I ate, and if I go to a nice place with my mom and dad, I'll make sure to let C.Loo know that I went and that I'm doing okay, and that I'm recovering. I'm so sorry to our C.Loo who have waited to see us perform as five.

I'll recover quickly and show you a good side of myself. I'm so sorry and I love you.

I’m so sorry, C.Loo.


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