Step 0: Login to Daum & configure your account settings
If you already have a Daum account and previously joined LOONA's fancafe, you may skip to Step 1.
a) Go to .
b) Click 로그인 in the top-right corner.

c) Click the big yellow button.

d) Login to your Kakao Account. If you do not already have one, create an account.

e) Go to to check your settings.
The Email on this page is your Daum ID.
Enter this as your Daum ID under Step 2.

f) Click your profile, or go to .
g) If your birthday & gender have not been entered, click Edit to enter them.

h) Set Profile Update Settings to ON.
i) Go to and create a Daum email.
Step 1: Join the Loossemble fancafe
a) Go to .
b) Click 카페 가입하기 in the left sidebar.

c) Enter your Nickname, check both Group Mail and Group Message, fill up the Captcha, then click Join.
Note the following rules on nicknames:
No nicknames which may be confused with Loossemble members or family members, or agency officials (including both English and Korean)
No nicknames associated with other celebrities, other fandoms, or other agencies, except that of the Loossemble members
Within only 8 Korean characters / within only 12 English characters (No mixing Korean and English characters)
Do not use meaningless alphabets, numbers, emoticons, special characters, spaces, or individual Korean consonants/vowels which are not words
No nicknames related to abusive language, vulgar slang, alien language, demeaning remarks, or obscene phrases

d) Click OK.

e) Click 내 정보 in the left sidebar.

f) Click the pencil icon.

g) Set all 3 dropdown fields to 운영진 공개, ensure that the two checkboxes are checked, and click 수정.

Step 2: Apply for Level Up
a) Go to .
b) Enter the following information into the text box.
Name / Date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD) / Gender / Nickname / ID (including email address) / Residential area
Please write down all the names of the Loosemble crew. (Write their stage names)
Please write down Loossemble's official fan club name (Please write the official name, case-sensitive.)
Which 2 members met the fish in the "TTYL" MV?
Which member participated in both subunit songs "Cotton Candy" and "Confessions" in [TTYL]?
c) Subscribe to Loossemble's YouTube channel and take a screenshot which shows the current time.
Include the current time in the screenshot, and write your cafe nickname on the screenshot.
Click the picture frame icon on the bottom-left, and attach the edited screenshot.
d) Click the lock icon on the bottom-right to set your post as hidden.
e) Click 등록 to submit.

f) Your post will appear below.
If your level up is successful, your post will be moved to the 등업완료 board.
If your level up is rejected, your post will be moved to 등업리턴 board. Follow all the above steps to re-apply for level up.