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Vibe Magazine - Ask Anything: Loossemble (230922)

Q. How did you feel when you first heard that the five of you would be debuting under the name ‘Loossemble’?

Hyunjin: I was very much looking forward to it because this was a new combination, and I was also curious about the fans’ reactions.

Yeojin: Since only five of us are promoting, it felt very empty and I could feel the missing presences, but I’m focusing on the fact that we can show you new sides of ourselves.

Vivi: I was like, what is Loossemble. But when I thought more about it, it felt like a simple name that can encompass the past and present and future, so I liked that.

Go Won: At first it felt a little awkward, but I really liked the meaning behind the name Loossemble, so I kept saying it frequently and got used to it quickly.

Hyeju: It felt a little unfamiliar, but we all came from the same team, so I adapted quickly.

Q. Curious to hear about something fun that happened between the members recently.

Hyunjin: It’s fun even just looking at each other’s faces, it makes us laugh.

Yeojin: There’s this word we use the most recently. It’s “Andromeda”. We practice late at night, so we often get our formations or choreographies mixed up, and in those times we often say we went to Andromeda and came back.

Go Won: We saw Hyunjin doing shoulder stretches, and that looked interesting so we started copying her one by one, and now the members do shoulder stretches whenever we have a moment.

Hyeju: It’s fun to watch each other mentally fall apart in practice!

Q. Favorite tracks for each member?

Hyunjin: Track 7. Because I wrote the lyrics :)

Yeojin: Colouring, because I participated in lyric-writing.

Vivi: Day by Day

Go Won: Track 6 which Yves unnie gifted to us, Strawberry Soda!

Hyeju: Colouring!

Q. Tell us some stories related to Loossemble’s come(back de)but.

Hyunjin: As we planned for the debut preparations, we came up with lots of ideas and participated throughout during this prep period.

Yeojin: When we picked out our debut songs, we listened to each song available, and our opinions were pretty well-aligned, so it went quickly.

Vivi: For the first time, we listened to the music together and picked them out.

Go Won: Since this is a comebut, we had to get mics, nametags and other things re-done, but it all felt so familiar!

Hyeju: During the MV filming there were so many scenes where Go Won unnie and I had to look at each other and smile, and it was hard to be looking at each other.

Q. What are some concepts you’d like to attempt going forward.

Hyunjin: I’d like to try an energetic concept in the house genre.

Yeojin: We’ve attempted a different concept every time, and actually I think we are a group that doesn’t know any limits, so I think we’ll pull off any concept well.

Vivi: Summer or dark concept!

Go Won: I want to try a sporty concept, where I can put on an exciting performance on stage and play around happily.

Hyeju: I’d like to try a more mature concept too.

Q. Every member participated in lyric-writing for this album. Is there anything that gave you inspiration as you wrote?

Hyunjin: I was debating about how to write it, and I wanted to express myself in a straightforward and innocent way, so I was inspired by my members and the fans.

Yeojin: I really like flowers, and each member reminds me of a different flower, so I was thinking about the members as I wrote.

Vivi: I think I wrote while thinking about us

Go Won: C.Loos! I wrote out the story that I wanted to tell C.Loos.

Hyeju: I came up with keywords to think off of, then expanded from that like a mind map!

Q. Curious to see what acrostics Loossemble could come up with using “Sensitive”, the title track.


Sen - They’re making us do an acrostic with Sensitive

Si - They would never, I thought

Ti - Guess I have to promote obviously

Ve - Please give lots of attention to our bravo Sensitive

Go Won:

Sen - Got sense~

Si - So sweet~

Ti - Unblemished and innocent~

Ve - Bravo! So awesome, Loossemble!


Sen: Sensation itself

Si - Please come back to Seoul

Ti - Ticket, I’ll buy another one

Ve - Bruno Mars

Q. Give us one track and what situation would be good for listening to that track.

Hyunjin: Sensitive - when you want to clear your thoughts and enjoy the rhythm!

Yeojin: Strawberry Soda - in a cafe with nice vibes

Vivi: Day by Day - when you want a touching mood

Go Won: Real World - set it as your alarm and go from dream world to real world~!

Hyeju: Colouring - when you want to get calm late at night

Q. Which member has changed the most while preparing this album?

Hyunjin: I think Go Won uses different tones to accentuate songs in this album, so Go Won.

Yeojin: Yeojin, as I lost weight I think I’ve gotten a bit more mature.

Vivi: Hyunjin I think, since she’s the Loossemble leader~!

Go Won: Each of us grew more and more with a new mindset, to the point that I can’t choose one person.

Hyeju: I think all of us worked on this album in a more active stance.

Q. Something that the members would all like to do together, or a place to travel to?

Hyunjin: Travel vlog~!~!~! Going to Guam!!

Yeojin: Reality filming in lodgings with a view of the ocean.

Vivi: Japan.

Go Won: I wanted to go to America one more time and I’m so glad that it happened! And I’d like us all to go to the amusement park.

Hyeju: Want to try reality content of a courage-testing experience!




Thanks for translating!

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